Production at One Thing Conference ...
Over Christmas and New Year Resource Group was busy preparing for the One Thing Conference
for iHOPKC in Kansas City. This was their largest conference with 37,000 registrations.
Set up was extensive and started back on Dec 21st with a pre load and rig set up unloading
10 semis of equipment on the first day.
Over the next 6 days the Kansas City Convention Center was transformed from grey concrete
to a conference ready for tens of thousands of people.
The final touches being all the drapes hung from the ceilings, carpeting and house lights over
1200ft of floor space. The center is almost 300t wide and 1200ft long with lighting trusses
down the center of the whole venue and multiple Line arrays combined with 12k Christie HD
video projectors to provide the final show and event look and feel for the week of One Thing 2013.