Marketing changes – new staff and new ideas. You will start to see a lot more poster and pictorial ads about Resource Group AV, based on events that we have produced some recently and some over the last few years.
The idea behind the pictures was decided upon as a way to let prospective clients see the range and scope of projects that Resource Group AV has previously done and what they can do in the future.
This weekend launched the graphic below on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. The picture was one of a series taken at Chicago All State Arena, and shows the most moving lights up to that time, with 800 movers over the stage and over the floor area of the arena.
Stephen BrownProduction DirectorTel: 863 701 2010
While I was looking at some details on film making this weekend I came across this awesome site with prolific links and detail on film making resources that it was too good an opportunity to not pass on to others.
To read the full list of resources clink this link: Mack Daddy list of resources for filmmakers
Launched at NAB this year the guys from FreeFly released the MoVI camera stabilizer.
Designed to replace the functionality of a steadicam, users can quickly and easily learn the operational techniques required to produce amazing shots. In just the few minutes that I tried it and got used to the motion, it became obvious that this is a seriously professional piece of gear for hand held guys. The ability to quickly whip round and keep the camera stable and then to be able to drop down and keep moving forward without losing the object was incredible.
As much camera work as I have done in the past, you could become very proficient with this in a couple of hours; unlike the steadicam which can take days or weeks to fully master.
This would definitely be a piece of gear that I would want in my budget for the next shoot, not just for ease of use by the operator, but for the great shots it gives the director the opportunity to get.
Check out the behind the scenes look at the new MoVi M10
Here is the FreeFly at NAB being interviewed by Kelby Media Group.